Play our free Word Search puzzles online. A Word Search is a word game that consists of the letters of words placed in a grid. Play online for free, save as PDF or print it out.
Word Search is a game with words placed in a grid. These words can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, forwards, or backwards. Play online for free, save as PDF or print it out.
A Word Search puzzle, also known as Word Find or Word Seek, is believed to have been originally invented by the Spanish puzzle creator Pedro Ocón de Oro, likely in the 1960s. In Spanish, it's known as "Sopa de Letras" which translates to "soup of letters." This original version featured both a word list and a letter grid.The first known word search puzzle in English appeared in the U.S. on March 1, 1968. The puzzle was created by Norman E. Gibat in the Selenby (Sell an’ Buy) Digest in Norman, Oklahoma.
ワードサーチの起源は明確ではありませんが、20世紀半ばに新聞やパズル雑誌での人気が高まったと言われています。1968年には、教育者のNorman E. Gibatが自身の広告用新聞にワードサーチパズルを掲載。これが大変な人気を呼び、多くの読者や教育者たちが教育現場でのツールとして取り入れるようになりました。
Word Search Strategies
A common strategy is to go through the puzzle left to right and look for the word's first letter. After finding the letter, one should look at the eight surrounding letters to see whether the following letter of the word is there. One can then continue this method until the entire word is found. Another strategy is to watch for certain letters that may pop out at you more than others, mainly circular letters. You may find that O, Q, C, and X are easier to see in the grid. Look for other patterns in words, especially double letters.
Welcome to Word Search Puzzles, your go-to site for a wide variety of fun and challenging word search games. Enjoy puzzles on diverse themes, suitable for all ages and skill levels. Play online or print them out for on-the-go entertainment. Start your word search adventure today.
Welcome to Word Search Puzzles, your go-to site for a wide variety of fun and challenging word search games. Enjoy puzzles on diverse themes, suitable for all ages and skill levels. Play online or print them out for on-the-go entertainment. Start your word search adventure today.
Word Search Puzzles
The Rules of Search
The object of the Search is to find words hidden within the Search grid. Words can be found horizontally, vertically, diagonally, backward, or forwards.